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How to make dark stained wood lighter

Thinking about how to make dark stained wood lighter? If you’d like to give a new look to your wooden pieces, a great way to doing so is by lightening the wood.

If you have a piece of wood that is too dark, there are many methods you can use to lighten the wood color. Here, we will share some tips and tricks to know how to make dark stained wood lighter.

Easy Methods to Make Stained Wood Lighter

Easy ways to lighten wood

Whether you have a soft or hardwood floor, you can achieve a light, uniform finish by applying the proper methods.

Following, you will find a few tips and tricks that can be helpful in the process.

Use Bleach to Lighten the Wood

Using bleach on stained wood is an easy way to lighten the pieces. However, it is essential to take the proper care to avoid any accidents.

How To Use the Bleach

Firstly, you need to prepare your workstation in a ventilated area. Then apply the stripper and let it sit for 10 minutes, and scrape it off. Apply the bleach on the dark spots using a paintbrush. When you achieve the color you want, rinse off bleach that remains.

Let it dry overnight and appreciate the new color of your wood pieces by the morning.

Use Steel Wool and Mineral Spirits

Use steel wool to lighten wood

Rub a piece of 0000 steel wool and apply pressure to scrape away any stain and lighten the wood. Use mineral spirits and wipe along with a cloth to lift the stain. If you notice the cloth gets too dirty, change it and continue wiping until you’re happy with the results.

Dilute Stain Before Any Application

Wood stain application

Use a natural stain or mineral spirits to dilute the wood stain and make it lighter and thinner. Test it on a scrap of wood to check the color and if you’re happy with it, apply it to the wood piece.